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pneumatic (type) saveall是什么意思



1)pneumatic (type) saveall,抽气式纤维回收机2)deflation,抽气3)pumping with exhaust blower,抽气机抽气4)off-gas pressure,抽气压力5)exhaust fan,风机抽气6)extraction well,抽气井


    Based on "twice delay separation method",an one-hour separation procedure for ~(138)Cs from fission products is designed and examined,which combined "deflation",Cs_3Bi_2I_9 precipitation and Cs_4(Si(W_3O_(10))_4)precipitation.


    Comparison and preliminary analysis are made between two design schemes of pumping with exhaust blower and injecting with injector for the investment and energy consumption in operation at given engine exhaust conditions.

    在给定的航空发动机排气条件下 ,对高空台排气系统中抽气机抽气和引射器引气这两种设计方案的投资和运行能耗进行了对比和简要的分析。

    The results show that the appropriate off-gas pressures in the periods of emerged arc and submerged arc are -200-250 Pa and -120 Pa, respectively.


    In the heating period of emerged arc, appropriate off-gas pressure is more than 250 Pa and high temperature zones in the middle of lid is big.

    结果表明,进入炉盖内的气体在主体部分流动规律是一致,露弧加热时达到硝烟除尘要求的合理抽气压力为250 Pa 以上,炉盖中部局部高温区域大温度高,埋弧加热期合理抽气压力为200 Pa 左右,炉盖壁面温度低得多,中部温度高温区仅为330 K(57℃)左右。

    In present engineering practice of landfill gas pollution control and its recovery, technical parameters such as extraction flow and radius of influence of a extraction well must be determined by field tests.

    文章通过分析填埋气在垃圾体中迁移运动的特点 ,建立了在抽气条件下填埋气体的迁移运动模型 ,该模型综合反映了垃圾体内填埋气产生量、抽气量、垃圾体气体渗透系数、抽气井埋深、覆盖层厚度及特性对抽气效果的影响。

    By using the mathematical model for LFG pressure distribution under a vertical extraction well, method of optimum design of landfill gas collection system with vertical extraction wells was discussed in this paper, including the determination of LFG extraction flow, radius of influence of extraction well, and the buried depth of the well.

    本文利用竖井抽气条件下填埋气压力分布模型 ,分析讨论了抽气系统各参数对对抽气效果的影响 ,提出了垃圾填埋场填埋气竖井收集系统的抽气量、抽气井影响半径、抽气井埋深的优化设计方法 ,可为填埋气污染控制与回收利用系统的规划设计及运行管理提供技术支

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