A New Resistor Element-Zinc Oxide Ceramic Resistor;
Second,the 4TP capacitor was compared to a 4TP film resistor in the capacitance range from 1?pF to 10~6pF and the frequency range from 100?Hz to 10?ΜHz.
用单端口同轴空气介质电容器与四端对空气介质电容器进行同名义值、频率范围在1~13 MHz频响的核验;用四端对电阻(器)与四端对电容器,在容量1~106pF、频率100 Hz~10 MHz进行频响的核验。
For effectively protecting normal operation of a generator, the development process of a secondary-load resistor in the neutral-point grounding of the generator is presented.
Failure of resistors caused by inferior insulation coating;
The importance of the integrated passive components is discussed, including the capacitors, resistors and inductors.
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