Use a conditioning system with tight single-point control.
It was suggested that the stability of physical index should be guaranteed by carrying out GB 9102-2003 Appendix B relating to PA6 tire cord conditioning in a drier.
GB 9102-2003标准附录B中推荐的关于干燥器内与标准大气下的调湿平衡测试结果的修正值小于实际偏差。
A humidity controlling material was prepared by graft copolymerization of chitosan with acrylic acid and mineral salt.
Based on a brief description of mechanism and variety of humidity controlling materials,Research and progress of humidity controlling materials protecting cultural relic are presented and discussed.
A study is made of the effect of different acidizing conditions such as concentration,temperature and time on humidity-controlling properties of sepiolites in closed space at constant temperature.
The composites exhibited possible applications for their humidity-controlling and adsorbent capability as well as excellent latex foam properties.
Development of new water-borne humidity controlling coating;
At the same time, the humidity controlling coating was successfullydeveloped, which was painted on the ceramic tile.
This paper describes the advantages of coal moisture control process.
Coking Coal Moisture Control with Particle Segregation in Fluidized Moving Bed;
Experimental study on humidity control performance of environmental friendly humidity-controlling material;
The results shows that the new foamed concrete is an excellent humidity-controlling material which is excel the foamed concrete and clay brick in humidity-c.
The working principle of humidity-controlling materials is analyzed,the types of the materials are introduced,and the current research and application of the materials are described.
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