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convective cooling是什么意思



1)convective cooling,对流冷却2)convection cooler,对流冷却器3)free convection cooling,自然对流冷却,自然冷却4)natural convection cooling,自然对流冷却5)Convective heat tranfer cooling,对流换热冷却6)thermosiphon cooling system,热对流冷却系统


    The distribution of temperature increment of CaF 2 output window is calculated, which used in 500kW DF laser cavity under convective cooling system.

    计算了对流冷却下 50 0 k W DF激光器 Ca F2 输出窗口的温升 ,得到了平板形和球壳形输出窗口的应力分布和光束的位相分布 ;分析了窗口形状对应力和位相分布的影响。

    The experimental results show that the measurement results of natural convection cooling mode are close to the theoretical value,but there is wider margin of variation with forced convection cooling mode.


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