Studies on the technique of solid grafting polypropylene with dual monomers;
Study on Surface Grafting of Nano-meter TiO_2 by PMA and its UV Aging Resistance in PP;
Study on starch grafting copolymerization to prepare the flocculating agent with CAN-KPS initiation system;
Preparation of a grafted polymer surfactant;
Structure of silk fibers grafted with dodecafluoroheptyl methacrylate;
Preparation and Properties of Nanoparticles Self-assembled by Polyethylene Glycol-graft-poly(lactic acid);
Study on SEBS-grafted MAH;
Development of PU modified CR.SBS/MMA graftedadhesive with low toxicity solvent;
Study on mesocyclic diamine grafted chitosan——synthesis of 3-hydroxyl-1,5-diaza-cycloheptane grafted chitosan;
Then the graft copolymerization of MMA/BMA has been carried on the surface of wood powder by UV initiation.
A novel poly (acrylic acid-potassium acrylate)/attapulgite superabsorbent composite was synthsized by graft copolymerization reaction of partially neutralized acylic acid on acidified attapulgite micropowder using N,N -methylene-bisacrylamide as a crosslinker and potassium persulphate as an initiator in aqueous solution.
A byproduct of low-molecular polyethylene wax from Daqing polyethylene unit was modified by graft copolymerization with maleic anhydride(MAH).
The grafting reaction of tetrabutyl tin(SnBu_4)on surface of Pt/HY molecular sieve supercages was studied in vacuum.
The grafting reaction of SnMe_4 onto the supercages of HY zeolite was studied under high vacuum condition, and the chemical composition and structure of resulting solid were characterized by in situ FT-IR, XRD, UV-Vis, DRS, DTG, DTA, N_2 adsorption, ICP, elemental analysis, and gas chromatography.
研究了高真空条件下SnMe4在HY沸石超笼的接枝反应 ,并用元素分析 ,ICP ,GC ,XRD ,FTIR ,DTG ,DTA ,UV vis ,DRS ,N2 吸附等方法对产物的组成、结构和性质进行了详细表征 。
The grafting reaction of SnMe 4 with Pt/HY zeolite was studied in a high vacuum.
在高真空系统下研究了SnMe4与Pt修饰的HY沸石分子筛表面的接枝反应 ,并用元素分析、FT IR ,XRD ,DRS ,BET ,GC等表征了接枝产物的组成和性质。
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