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lift capacity是什么意思



1)lift capacity,提升能力2)capability enhancement,能力提升3)lifting competence per year,年提升能力4)lifting ability,提升能力[性能]5)upgradability,升格能力/提升能力6)lifting ability verifying,提升能力核定


    Summarizing the projects of the experimentation about tractor hydraulic lift capacity , discussing their advantage and disadvantage ,putting forword a kind of economic project for grass roots to check-up and maintain tractor hydaulic lifter.


    This study includes design of the special loading-frame and hydraulic loading system for checking-up the lift capacity of tractor hydraulic lifter,besides,it involves the fixing and debuge and experimentation of the whole test bench.


    It puts forward resource conformity as a basic strategy of enterprise and the strategy of capability enhancement as the kernel of strategic management.


    Througy the analysis on the concept of the mine lifting ability and the mine lifting ability verifying,the process of verifying the mine lifting ability is simple,meanwhile the wrong ideas of verifying the my lifting ability is changed.


    Research of Transformation Increasing Capacity of Coal Refuse Dumping


    Boosting SONET's High-Speed Capacity


    From the "Three Major Abilities" to "Modeling Abilities"


    Advance Psychology Adjusting Ability,Improve Administrative Efficiency;

    提升心理调试能力 提高行政效率

    Relationship between Improving Practical Ability and Upgrading Employment Rate;


    Enhance the Capacity of Competition of Enterprises and Elevate the Economic Strength of Chongqing;

    增强企业竞争能力 提升重庆经济实力

    Promoting the Professional Education,Increasing Its Serving Ability;

    大力发展职业教育 提升服务海西能力

    Promoting Developing Capability by Strengthening Management of Human Resources;

    加强人力资源管理 提升企业发展能力

    Strengthening the Sci-tech Innovation Ability to Promote the Competitive Power of Enterprise;

    增强科技创新能力 提升企业竞争实力

    Executive human capital and the enhancement of core competence of enterprises;


    Promoting Educational Development in the Western Regions and Uplifting Competence of Human Resources;

    推进西部教育发展 提升人力资源能力

    Enhancing Innovation and Strengthening Competitive Power of Domestic Enterprises

    增强自主创新能力 提升企业竞争实力

    On the Functions and Abilities of CFOs in Our Country;


    Dynamic Capabilities,Micro Promotional Administrators and the Upgrading of Organizational Capabilities


    Through ascension, one can choose to release the karma through forgiveness instead.


    He failed to get promoted for lack of resolution.


    upward mobility

    ph.1. 提升自己社会和经济地位的能力

    A lifelong learning policy should focus on employability.


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