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Annona muricata是什么意思



1)Annona muricata,刺果番荔枝2)Annomuricatin A,刺果番荔枝环肽A3)Annona muricata Linn,刺番荔枝4)custard apple juice,番荔枝果汁5)Annonaceae,番荔枝果树6)Annona squamosa fruit,番荔枝果实


    Muricatin A and Muricatin B ,Tow Novel Acetogenin Isolated from Annona muricata;

    Muricatin A和Muricatin B刺果番荔枝中的两个新番荔枝内酯

    Three annonaceous acetogenins of monotetrahydrofuran type, S 2, S 5 and S 13 , were isolated from the seeds of Annona muricata L.

    刺果番荔枝(Annona m uricata L。

    Studies on the Relationship Between Leaf Structure and Cold Resistance of 7 Species of Annonaceae Fruit Trees;


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