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cripple school;school for defective;school for the physically disabled是什么意思



1)cripple school;school for defective;school for the physically disabled,残障学校2)Disability,残障3)physical disabilities,残障4)handicap,残障5)mRS,残障水平6)disability,残障率7)handicaps,残障人8)disabled person,残障人士9)design for the disabled people,残障设计10)deformity of limbs,肢体残障


    Factors Affecting the Physical Self of Individuals with Disability;


    According to the data and information from national health resources and ageing population disability investigation, the gap between health services and finances for ageing population was discussed.

    本文根据国家卫生资源和利用的一些指标 ,结合老年人口生存期的残障状态 ,分析了卫生资源配置和利用与老年人口增长之间的缺口 ,研究了在目前社会发展水平下中国卫生资源向老年人口群体倾斜的可能性和合理性 ,同时探讨了以北京为代表的相对发达地区的卫生资源的合理流向和利用问题 ,从而对城市老年人口的社会支持系统提出了一些对策建议。

    They were divided into the treatment group(274 cases) treated with ICWM protocol,and the control group(263 cases)treated with Western medicine plus placebe,and BI,mRS were assessed after treatment.

    方法:采用前瞻性、多中心、中央随机、平行对照试验的设计方法,606例患者分别用中西医结合综合(试验组274例)和西医加中药安慰剂(对照组263例)治疗(剔除15例、脱落54例),并观察生活能力水平B I、残障水平mRS。

    The concern for the handicaps and the elders are the essentials of harmonic society and modern civilization.


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