On the characteristics and prevention of financial crime concerning foreign affairs;
This article sums up the bases on civil action jurisdiction on concerning foreign affairs of China briefly, and give some advice on how to improve it, in order to solve the problem of civil action jurisdiction in our court.
中国已正式成为 WTO成员国 ,可以预计在不久的将来涉外民商事争议将会越来越多。
This paper introduces reflections of the author on improving the teaching result of the international course of export business simulation.
International group events are characterized with the nature of being international,political,sensitive and complicated.
The compensation for oil pollution damage of foreign ships is controlled by international convention.
Analyzing mode and present situation of civil action concerning foreign interests.
Unfortunately, the procedural reform of the civil suits with foreign elements was neglected both theoretically and practically.
The construction of a foreign-related nursing curriculum system for associate degree students;
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