In 1928,progressive intellectuals who assembled in Shanghai initiated the revolutionary literature, required authors to build up the proletariat consciousness and create literature for the revolution, and stressed the class characteristic and the publicity function of literature, pointing out a new way to remold the society.
192 8年 ,汇聚在上海的先进知识分子们进行无产阶级革命文学的倡导 ,他们要求作家增强无产阶级意识 ,为革命而文学 ,强调文学的阶级性及宣传作用 ,并指出改造社会的新路径 ,在反对国民党文化围剿的斗争中创下了功勋。
It s necessary to advocate humane care during perioperative.
In order to make informantion technology and internet more humane,we also advocate a kind of survival.
因此我们必须发扬人文精神 ,对信息时代的工具理性作出深刻的反思 ,对虚拟实践进行人学思考 ,并倡导虚拟空间的一种生存智慧 ,使信息技术和网络向人性化的道路发展。
The scientific research in universities which want to be an efficient team need advocate group spirit so as to improve the efficien.
随着科学发展的分支化趋势和综合化趋势的加强 ,各学科之间的交叉性和渗透性达到前所未有的程度 ,在高校科研工作中倡导团队精神已成为必然。
Strategy and evaluation of advocacy program in reproductive health project;
In terms of advocacy, Liang is one of the forerunners advocating and pursuing "Mr.
The Morals and the Society propose new course ideas;
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