Simulation analysis of adjustable damp oil-air shock absorber matching vehicle ride comfort;
Virtual simulation and experiments on vehicle ride comfort;
Simulation of Nonlinear Hydropneumatic Suspension for Comfort;
Effect of road hump on driving comfort and safety of vehicles;
At the same time,the ride comfort of the motorcycle is evaluated by using the same evaluating indexes as those for automobiles.
This paper introduces a method of longitudinal slope design for vertical alignment smoothly transition.
Relationship between Smoothness of a Heavy Vehicle and Its Caused Damage to Pavement;
The sixth speed increase of existing lines across a greater area sets forth higher smoothness requirements of the overhead contact system,and also poses a new research study to the catenary installation and maintenance units in the work of renovation,inspection and maintenance of the system.
The focal research,therefore,of vehicle riding comfort consisted in establishment of simulation models and analytical methods.
Based on virtual instrument,associating the root-mean-square-value with(people s) feeling for the vibration of vehicle,taking the riding comfort of vehicle,C_V,as parameter,this paper computes the comfortable degree of vibration and simulates the interface of indicator.
Effect of rail irregularity wavelength on lateral runningcomfort of speed-raised train;
Method of equivalency transform for power spectrum density of track irregularity on central line from on left/right rail;
Research purposes: The unevenness of Overhead Rigid Suspension arises the bad vibration between the pantograph and rigid suspension,which can spoil the current collection and endanger the running safety.
The system dynamics responses of the model under various unevenness combinations are analyzed.
Research of the effect of track complex irregularities on the vehicle dynamic response;
The main dynamic problems affecting guideway design,such as guideway irregularities,guideway stiffness are discusssed.
Using the vertical lateral model of vehicle track coupling system, which is set up based on the vehicle track coupling dynamics, and taking the coexistence of manifold wavelengths into account, the management values of various track irregularities in 250 km/h high speed railway are calculated by simulation.
利用根据车辆 轨道耦合动力学思想所建立车辆 轨道垂横耦合模型 ,在充分考虑多种波长并存的情况下 ,仿真计算了 2 5 0km/h高速铁路各种轨道不平顺的管理目标值。
Timedomain linear simulation of ride performance of automotive random vibration system;
Nonlinear simulation analysis of automobile ride performance and software develpoment;
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