Study on Evolutionary Strategy Applied to the Unified Evaluation of Circularity Error;
Evaluation of the Measurement Uncertainty for the Determination of Arsenic in Soil by Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry;
Flatness error evaluation based on evolutionary strategy;
Uncertainty of Straightness Error Assessment with Minimum Condition;
Assessment of Uncertainty in Determination of Cu Mass Fraction in Pine Pollen by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;
The assessment of measurement uncertainty in the tensile strength tests on metal specimen;
Application of the image analysis in textile assessing;
According to analyzing the concept of the uncertainty degree and error of measure, the article shows the importance of uncertainty degree of measure, and then states the main factors and assay method during assessing the uncertainty degree of detecting benzoic acid in food with Gas Chromatography.
According to verification regulation of DC digital voltmeter JJD315-1983 ,the paper takes the example of using digital multimeter evaluation devices to measure its voltage degree,and through 4 aspects of repeated measurement and analysis,indication value resolution,standers uncertainty by devices,and calibration uncertainty as its assessing method.
High-temperature low cycle fatigue test assessing the residual lifetime of 20g coking tower;
Correctly using standard samples to assess measuring and analysing method;
In order to decrease experimental error and increase accuracy,we analyzed the source of measurement uncertainty of the colony determination in drink,and assessed measurement uncertainty caused by dispersibility.
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