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photograph facsimile equipment是什么意思



1)photograph facsimile equipment,相片传真机2)digital photo,数码相片3)photograph identification,相片调绘4)photo skin color,相片肤色5)PPE,纯位相片6)videocast films,录相片


    The way using digital photos to design products was discussed with an example of modeling an electric kettle.


    To search an appropriate method, this paper develops on the two parts of researches which are digital photos and QuickBird image respectively.


    An improved hybrid algorithm by using quasi Gradient Decent algorithm and spectrum selectivity is applied to the design of pure phase elements (PPE) in uniform illumination.


    This paper introduces the catest methods on how to use the videocast films to show the students the up-to-date achieuements of the modern technology.

    通过播放随时录制的最新科技报道的录相片及橱窗中展示的物理在各个领域中的应用 ,弥补教材的更新无法与现代科技发展同步的不足 ,开阔学生的眼界 ,提高学生的能力。

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