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rubber coat boot是什么意思



1)rubber coat boot,橡胶套靴2)2-buckle rubber arctics,双口橡胶套靴3)four buckle style rubber dress boots,四道扣橡胶套靴4)rubber snow boots,橡胶防雪套靴5)light weight rubber dress galoshes,轻便橡胶套靴6)sea boots,橡胶长靴


    Using Jilin Chemical Industry Corporation EPDM as main material ,basic formulation and basic process of railway rubber coat boot and pad meeting the TKTJ 9904-1 standard of railway department are developed.

    以吉化三元乙丙橡胶 (EPDM )为主要原料 ,开发出符合铁道部规定的TKTJ990 4- 1标准的铁路橡胶套靴及轨枕垫板基本配方和基本工艺 ,并已在河北某橡胶厂实现工业化生产。

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