The test, installation and repair of vertical curve of open deck;
The shape shaving technology reformed the traditional sharp_fang processing technology,ensured the product quality and greatly increased the production efficiency.
叙述了尖齿链板外形整修工艺 ,并介绍了尖齿链板整修模的结构及其特点 ,采用外形整修技术改变了传统的尖齿加工工艺 ,保证了产品质量 ,大大提高了生产效
The judgement and the exploration of renovation process on out of square in the end of HR H-beam;
The plan of renovation process is put forward out and accepted by the producers and customersthrough the experiment and analysis on the out of square in the end of hot-rolled H-beam.
abstratThe structure design and working process of the double_blanking shaving die were introduced.
介绍了双向冲裁整修模的结构及工作过程 ,对类似零件的冲裁加工提供了一种解决方
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