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automatic slide stainer是什么意思



1)automatic slide stainer,自动染片机2)automatic stainer,全自动染片机3)full automatic card controlled dyeing plant,全自动卡片控制染色机4)autojig[,ɔ:təu'dʒiɡ],自动卷染机5)automatic staining machine,自动染色机6)Auto-cutting saw,自动割片机


    Based on the analysis of the structure and software of automatic stainers used in hospitals,the authors provide a new mechanical structure and a method,have improved the software control procedure and basically solved the faults of current automatic stainer .

    在分析目前医院在用染缸式全自动染片机的结构和程序的基础上 ,提出了一种新的染片机结构及原理的设想 ,改进了软件控制流程并进行了试验 ,基本上解决了染缸式全自动染片机的弊端 ,取得了较理想的结果 。

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