In the new period of social transition,the priority of morality building is to explore the new direction and the new path of morality education to meet the education reform of social development.
Earnestly studying the spiritual essence of Hu Jintao "uprightness" at this point,For a better understanding the core status of the school morality building the in new era in the overall construction,understanding the new connotation of the times of the new era morality construction o,grasping the main building direction of the new era morality,is a very importa.
Political system, economic system and the aim of ideological education on the initial stage of socialism decide the characteristics of the relevant principle, namely, advanced nature of ideology and politics and guiding effect of concepts and values, high-level, various and demonstrative role of teachers morality, and also long-term view and arduous effort of morality building of teachers.
高校师德建设必须在一定的社会环境中进行; 社会主义初级阶段的政治制度、经济制度及思想教育目标决定了高校师德建设的特性, 即: 思想政治的先进性和价值观念的主导性; 师德的高层次性、多样性和示范性; 师德建设的长期性和艰巨
The concept of socialist honour and disgrace gives new connotation to the construction of teachers morality and raises new demands.
This paper analyzes the following three aspects: the significance of constructing college teachers modality,college teachers moral lack and its cause,strengthening the construction of teachers morality and optimizing education environment.
The construction of teachers morality can respect teachers values, arouse their initiative, bring their latent energy to the maximum of limit, reduce their tool value in order to develop the initiative in one s own hands.
Strengthening teachers moral construction in colleges and u niversities uncreasingly is the key link a.
The goal of teachers moral construction in higher schools cannot be achieved until importance is given to the idea of "People Oriented".
E-Learning and the construction of qualified teachers in higher education;
The Analysis of the Building of Dual-Function Teachers in Vocational Colleges;
The Comment about the Construction of "Double Teacher"Teaching Staff in Vocational and Technical Colleges;
Strengthen Teachers Training,Promote Teachers Construction;
Research in the Construction of Double-Quality Teacher s Group;
An Exploration of Broadening and Deepening the Pool of Dual-Qualified Teachers in Vocational-Technical Colleges;
Thought on the Construction of Double-skilled Teaching Staff in Private-funded Universities;
To Strengthen the Construction of Teachers Team and Improve the Quality of Teachers;
加强师资队伍建设 提高教师素质
On Building a Teaching Staff with Double-quality in Vocational College;
Discussion about "Double-qualification" Teachers Construction of Higher Vocational College;
Construction of Teaching Staff under the Background of Tutorial System for Special Ability Student;
On Cultivating "Both-professional" Teaching Staff in Vocational Colleges;
On Improving Double-Quality Teacher s Group in Higher Vocational Education;
On Double Certificates Teaching Staff of Vocational Education;
The Structure Model and Construction of Double Type Teaching Staff in Secondary Vocational Schools;
Connotation of the Teacher and Engineer System Ways to develop;
Discussion of some Issues on the Construction of Double professionalized Teacher Team, who are qualified Both as a teacher and other professional.;
First-Class Faculty Through Improvement of System of Appointive Employment;
完善教师聘任制 建设一流师资队伍
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