The variation of the major pressure stress axis of medium-small earthquakes in 2 years before 11 earthquakes with Ms≥5.
In addition, the mercury anomalies could also respond to the medium-small earthquake in the vicinity less than 100 km away and show single or multi value anomalies.
On the basis of the source theory and the predecessors researches, considering the present conditions of the digital seismograph network in China, a useful met hod to the determination of source parameters of small and moderate earthquakes is given in this paper.
依据震源理论 ,根据我国数字化地震台网目前的实际情况 ,在前人研究成果的基础上 ,提出一种用Pg波初动求中小[地]震震源参数的实用方法。
Source parameters and ambient Stress of small earthquakes in Shaannan And Guanzhong Region;
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