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cartridge igniter,fuse primer是什么意思



1)cartridge igniter,fuse primer,导火管2)fuse,导火索3)safety fuse,导火索4)Pilot flame~+,引导火焰+5)Pilot flame,引导火焰6)guidance rocket,制导火箭


    The groping experiment of delay fuse made of fusite replacing red charcoal is carried out.


    The exploring experiment was carried out to study the fuse made of bamboo coal instead of char-coal.


    Through experimental this article has explained the main reason of the fuse deflagration.

    文章通过对导火索爆燃问题的实验分析 ,探讨了导火索产生爆燃的主要原因 ,同时提出了预防导火索爆燃的措施。

    It was pointed out that the diameter of the powder core of safety fuse was themain factor for its combustibility by a discussion of the combustion mechanism of the black powder, and the on-line testing significance of the diameter of the powder core was also described inthis paper.


    The faults of powder core of safety fuse are detected by the oil-line continuousmonitor.


    Several methods and devices are presented in this paper for on-line finding of faults of civil safety fuse core, with emphasis on the vperation principle,performance characteristics and applications of one non-contact mode photoelectric detector.


    Determination of impulse-motor number for guidance rocket missile with large impact-angle;


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