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igniting agents是什么意思



1)igniting agents,点火剂2)fire lighter,igniter,点火剂<火>3)igniter container,点火剂容器<火>4)booster igniter,助推器点火剂<火>5)booster igniter,固体火药加速器点火剂6)black powder base igniter,黑色火药点火剂<火>


    The ignition and combustion experiments of two types of LOVA (Low Vulnerable Ammunition) propellants with the simulation equipment and the closed bomb showed that the ignition of the LOVA propellants with the common igniting agents is very difficult.

    模拟装置和密闭爆发器 2种不同发射药点火燃烧试验表明 ,常规点火剂很难解决低易损性发射药 (LOVA发射药 )的点火问题 ,选择点火剂时应考虑点火剂的综合点燃能力 。

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