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convective-life fire phase是什么意思



1)convective-life fire phase,对流带走火灾阶段2)fire stage,火灾的阶段3)stage partition for fire,火灾阶段划分4)post-disaster phase,灾后阶段 PDP5)blastobelt period,胚带阶段6)fire effluent,火灾气流


    Observation on the shapes and anatomy of eggs of different days shows that the embryonic development of Orthosia incerta Hufnagel can be divided into three periods, they are blastodisc period,blastobelt period and blastoforming period.

    通过对不同时间卵的外形及解剖观察 ,得出梦尼夜蛾 Orthosia incerta Hufnagel的胚胎发育可分为胚盘阶段、胚带阶段以及成形阶段 (成形初期和成形末期 ) ,随胚胎发育程度的不同 ,卵壳颜色也发生相应的规律性变化 ,可作为判断胚胎发育阶段及预测预报的依据。

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