In separation process,europia was riched by “tri out”technique.
在分离过程中 ,采用了“三出口”技术富集氧化铕〔2、3、4〕,三出口位置是由重铬酸钾氧化还原快速测定铕的含量确定其出口位置 ,该方法简便、快捷 ,为钐铕钆分离及时反馈槽体内铕的变化 ,根据该数据调整工艺参数 ,确保槽体正常运转 ,稳定产品质
single Que tower, twin Que towers and three Que towers.
中国古代城阙至迟到西周时期就已经出现, 根据其平面形制可分单阙、双阙和三出阙三种类型。
Xu's theory of countercurrent extraction, a computer simulation and detailed discussions have been made for various technological parameters of light rare earth separation with 3 outlets by solvent extraction.
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