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roof top hose station是什么意思



1)roof top hose station,屋顶消火栓箱2)hydrant station cabinet,消火栓箱3)fireproof tank in roof,屋顶消防水箱4)roof,箱顶;屋顶5)hydrant and extinguisher cabinet,消火栓和灭火器箱6)roof water tank,屋顶水箱


    An analysis on the investment and energy consumption of the water supply modes by roof water tank and variable velocity variable frequency pump was emphasized with an engineering example.


    [Objective] To learn algae growth in the roof water tanks of Huangpu District and the status of water pollution [Methods] 20 roof water tanks of multi-storey buildings were taken as the sample group and another 2 tap water samples as the control group.


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