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pumper outlet nozzle是什么意思



1)pumper outlet nozzle,消火栓大出水口2)hose outlet,消火栓出水口3)two_outage fire plug,双出口消火栓4)TH =triple hydrant,三出口消火栓5)hydrant nipple,消火栓丝口铜出口6)design of two-wayout hydrant,双出口消火栓的设计


    According to the building fire_resistance code, this paper introduced the installation of two_outage fire plug, the new way to arrange fire plug in flat and how to rationally define the protecting radius of fire plug in the practical project.

    根据对消防规范的理解 ,结合工程实际 ,简述了双出口消火栓的设置问题 ,探讨了单元式住宅消火栓设置的新方式 ,并介绍了如何合理确定消火栓的保护半径 。

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