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inhibition explosion concentration是什么意思



1)inhibition explosion concentration,抑爆浓度2)Critical rate of concentrations of inhabiting explosion,临界抑爆浓度比3)explosion limit/refrigerants,爆炸极限/临界抑爆浓度4)explosion suppression,抑爆5)explosion suppression material,抑爆材料6)explosion prevention and control,防爆抑爆


    Development of the CO_2 explosion suppression system for the aviation kerosene cabine;


    Experimental study of explosion suppression by active water sprays in large-scale duct;


    On the mechanism and technology for explosion suppression in case of fuel-air mixture in below-surface fuel depot;


    Research on aluminum-magnesium alloy explosion suppression material and its performance;


    The risk of explosion of containers filled with explosive materials such as gas or liquid fuel can be prevented, when explosion suppression materials are installed in the containers.

    在易燃易爆液、气体贮存器内装设抑爆材料后 ,可避免发生爆炸事故 ,因而抑爆材料可用于飞机、船舶、车辆油箱和其它易燃易爆流体贮存器。

    The design project is characterized by the focus on the design of multi-tube cyclone with high anti-explosion performance and high dedust efficiency,the optimized anti-explosion design of pipelines and hoods,the design of a series of explosion prevention and control establishmen.

    该设计方案突出的特点为 :防爆性能好的高效多管式旋风除尘器的设计 ,对管网和排风罩的优化防爆设计 ,多层次的防爆抑爆设施的设

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