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flammability index是什么意思



1)flammability index,易燃性指数2)flammability indexing test,易燃性指数试验3)characteristic parameter of inflammability,易燃性参数4)ignitability number,可燃性指数5)landslide susceptibility index,滑坡易发性指数6)Trade Complementarity Index(TCI),贸易互补性指数


    Based on the determinations of samples\' moisture content,igniting time,flaming combustion time,smoke temperature,and weight loss,a characteristic parameter of inflammability,the ratio of net accumulated smoke temperature during experimental period to igniting time of per unit mass fuel in comparison to no-sample control was put forward.


    From an angle of empirical analysis,this dissertation quantitatively illustrates the degree of the closeness and complementarity of the trade links between China\'s Xinjiang and Russia by some analytical tools,such as Trade Intensity Index(TII),Revealed Comparative Advantage(RCA) and Trade Complementarity Index(TCI).


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