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distilled crude cresylic acid是什么意思



1)distilled crude cresylic acid,蒸馏粗甲苯基酸2)crude benzol distillation,粗苯蒸馏3)raw benzol still,粗苯蒸馏釜4)toluene distillation,甲苯蒸馏5)distilled crude carbolic acid,蒸馏粗碳酸6)Distillation method with toluene,甲苯蒸馏法


    This paper describes the situation and effect when composite oblique hole which is widely used in petrochemical industry applied in crude benzol distillation process,The production practive has prove that,the quantity of the recyclable oil of crude benzol will increase by 50 to 80 percent,costing shorter construction period,thus achieving good economic benefit.


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