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IEC/ISO agreement是什么意思



1)IEC/ISO agreement,IEC/ISO协议2)IEC 61970 agreement,IEC 61970协议3)ISO-15693,ISO-15693协议4)ISO-9798-3 protocol,ISO-9798-3协议5)ISO/IEC18000-6 protocol,ISO/IEC18000-6协议6)BS7799 (ISO/IEC 17799),BS7799(ISO/IEC 17799)


    The main ideas and methods of security protocol design and the PDS are introduced,and presents the derivation of the ISO-9798-3 protocol.


    On the basis of research on the communication between reader and tag,a digital circuit applied in UHF RFID tag was designed by VHDL language according to the EPC C1G2 and ISO/IEC18000-6 protocols.

    在研究读写器和射频标签通信过程的基础上,结合EPC C1G2协议以及ISO/IEC18000-6协议,采用VHDL语言设计出一种应用于超高频段的射频标签数字电路。

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