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BAP Barometric Absolute Pressure是什么意思



1)BAP Barometric Absolute Pressure,大气绝对压力2)BMAP Barometric and Mainfold Absolute Pressure,大气进气歧管绝对压力3)ATA,绝对大气压4)Bap Sens Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor,大气绝对压力传感器5)intake absolute pressure,进气管绝对压力6)absolute atmosphere,绝对大气


    The experiment results showed that,the CO emission was greatly influenced by fuel air ratio,ignition advance angle,intake absolute pressure and fuel component,the HC emission was reduced with the increase of hydrogen mixing ratio,the influence of ignition advance angle on HC emission was decreased when the intake absolute pressure was increased,and the NOx emission was i.


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