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gas pulse inlet是什么意思



1)gas pulse inlet,脉冲进气2)pulsating inlet condition,脉冲进气条件3)pulse flooded,脉冲进水4)Pulsed Sampling,脉冲进样5)pulse thrust,脉冲推进6)step pulse,步进脉冲


    In order to make the vacuum pressure stable rapidly during gas quantitative analysis using mass spectrum or the other automatic measuring and controlling system ,an automatic control system with width of gas pulse inlet regulated has been presented.

    为了实现质谱微量气体信号检测及其它自动测控系统中的真空度快速进入稳态 ,提出了脉冲进气宽度可调真空度自动控制系统。

    Determination of Trace Arsenic in Geological Samples by Flow Injection Hydride Generation Vapor Store and Pulsed Sampling Atomic Fluorescence Speetrometry;


    he vapor collection and pulsed sampling technique has been developed for determination of antimony in ores by flow injection-hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry.


    In this paper, a new pulsed sampling apparatus is described that can be used to determine Na and K in ores by flame atomic absorption spectrome-try.


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