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voting by ballot是什么意思



1)voting by ballot,投票表决2)Weighted Voting,投票表决法3)voting rights,投票表决权4)voting principle,投票表决规则5)voting system,投票表决系统6)weighted voting,加权投票表决


    Uses the voting by ballot method to enhance robustness of inserting watermark.


    Secondly, properly to restrict holding shareholder s voting rights in order to avoid abusing the rights of holding shareholder: perfecting shareholders proxy system, construction of cumulative voting system, construction of sorted shareholders votin.


    A prior knowledge of each classifier was obtained by the statistic with a large number of samples,which acts as basis of the voting principle.

    为了提高多分类器组合的效果 ,提出了一种改进的投票表决规则 。

    For getting external voting result for decision maker,we use multicsingle chip computer to compose as a voting system by communication.


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