In the experiment of The Use and Adjustment of Michelson interferometer, it presents a problem with thin interference fringes and always leads to a large error.
Michelson s research on precision instruments and spectrometry;
Michelson s contributions to science and MichelsonMorley experiment are introduced.
简述了迈克耳孙的科学生涯 ,介绍了他从演示傅科的光速实验开始 ,到测出为世界公认的光速值 ,并测出在水和二硫化碳中的光速的工作 ;以及在晚年仍如何坚持提高光速测量精度 ;强调了迈克耳孙热爱实验 ,尊重实验 ,善于在改进中创新 ,在工作中坚持高标准的优良作风 。
From the hypothesis of Ether to Einstein s relativity—On Michelson interference experiment s contribution to modern physics;
However the white lightall-optical fiber Michelson interferometer overcomes .
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