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band-filling model是什么意思



1)band-filling model,满带模型,充填能带模型2)energy band diagram,能带模型3)Filling model,填充模型4)infill wall model,填充墙模型5)Energy band theory model,能带理论模型6)analytical band model,解析能带模型


    A filling model about an embryo bubble was proposed to describe structure of a cluster, and the order parameter was further analyzed.

    应用胚泡的填充模型对团聚的结构问题进行了分析 ,并进一步提出团聚序参量的结构。

    In this paper, an improved energy band theory model, which is used to explain the magnetooptical properties and optical absorption of cerium substituted yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films, is presented.


    By fitting the empirical pseudopotential band structure data using piecewise polynomials, an analytical band model of ZnS is presented for thin-film electroluminescent devices.


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