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area theorem是什么意思



1)area theorem,面积原理2)the principle of the area rate,面积比原理3)principle of the wooden bucket area,木桶面积原理4)principle of area substitution,面积替代原理5)principle of conservation of area,面积守恒原理6)area equivalence principle,面积等效原理


    On the basis,making use of the principle of the area rate to modify the mathematic model.


    In this paper the errors in formula (2) are detected by analysis made on the principle of area substitution,and methods for reducing errors is presented which are capable of a higher degree of accuracy in maximum proximation for Gaussian distribu- tion and fractile formula.


    Introduction was made to the method of sine pulse width modulation (SPWM) wave generated by table searching, which is based on area equivalence principle.


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