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corrugated glass,corrugated sheet glass是什么意思



1)corrugated glass,corrugated sheet glass,波形玻璃2)waveform,波形3)wave form,波形4)wave,波形5)wave shape,波形6)waveforms,波形


    Analysis on waveform trains in physical simulation on acoustic logging with linear phased array transmitter;


    Development of Low Frequency Multi-waveforms Magnetic Fields Generator for Radiation on Osteoblast;


    Effects of cyclic mechanical strain with varying waveforms on the proliferation of human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549;


    (3)Wave form has little affecation to extraction.

    根据塔安全操作曲线选择相应的总流量和脉冲强度 ,以棉籽为处理对象 ,对影响萃取效率的脉冲频率和脉冲振幅进行优化实验 ,发现 3 0mm振幅与对应的脉冲频率最有利于萃取 ,同时发现脉冲波形的变化 ,对萃取效率影响不大。

    The basic principle of Direct Digital Synthesizer(DDS) and its application in measurer for ground resistance whose frequency can be adjusted are introduced here Experiment proves that the method is easy and available The debug and maintenance work is also convenient The wave form is qualified with low harmonious The frequency is accurate and adjustable continuousl

    实验证明 ,采用 DDS技术实现的变频电源设计简单可行 ,调试、维护都很方便 ,并且得到的波形也很理想 ,谐波含量低 ,频率准确度高 ,并且能够实现频率连续可调。

    In this paper, the operation experimental research of synchronous operation on high current impulse discharge devices with parallel system composed of two gap switches or three gap switches is conducted on the basis of obtained wave form of trigger pulse and the actuation characteristics of gap switches.

    在实验测量取得了触发脉冲波形和间隙开关动作特性等参数的基础上 ,分别对由两个间隙开关及三个间隙开关组成并联系统的大电流冲击放电装置进行了同步运行实验 。

    To compare the effect of treating lumber disc protrusion(LDP) with different waveform and frequency of electroacupuncture;


    Correcting wave in checking-up cable power by means of vibration frequency method;


    The research status of pipeline erosion defect inspection was introduced ,the components of Magnetic Flux Leakage(MFL) parallel to the surface of pipeline was selected the sampling signals of device, the sampling data of ninety six channel sensors distributed inside the pipeline were interpolated and the outline of MFL field was shown, the characteristics of MFL signals or wave shape were given.

    针对当前管道腐蚀缺陷检测的研究现状 ,提出采用缺陷漏磁场的切向分量作为漏磁检测仪采样的原始信号 ,将管道内分布的 96路传感器信号插值和周向展开显示 ,定义了缺陷漏磁信号波形的特征量 ,借助多元统计分析方法来定量评价缺陷外形的长、宽、深 ,实验得出该量化缺陷方法有效 ,精度在允许范围内。

    Objective To investigate the wave shape and wave amplitude of reconstructed impedance volume cardiogram.


    By discussed the wave shape of the oxygen sensor of the engine which is controlled by electricity,the author analyze the connections between oxygen sensor wave s quality,change pattern and practical malfunction,summing-up the wave shape of malfunction and its practical applications.

    通过将电控发动机氧传感器的波形与工作状态进行结合 ,分析其工作波形的性质、变化规律与实际故障的关系 ,总结故障波形的分析方法及实际中的应

    By using the waveform measurements and the least square method,the top,the base,the middle value,the amplitude,the frequency of triangle waveform,and the slope of edge,the edge linearity of waveforms are evaluated precisely.


    Intercepting waveforms and base numbers of frequency diAsion are selected by the method, then the speed of motor is controlled,such the speed is governed.


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