Lead-rich slags with different levels of PbO content have been prepared in laboratory.
Lead-rich slags containing different level of PbO concentrations have been prepared in laboratory.
Lead-rich slags containing different CaO/SiO2 ratio have been prepared in laboratory.
The effect mechanism of PbO atmosphere was proposed and the results revealed that the ceramics sintered in lead-rich atmosphere had better piezoelectric properties, especially the ceramics containing 10%PMN showed the optimized results of ε~T_(33)/ε_0=1 000, tan δ=0.
10PbTiO 3 pre-calcined powders and ceramics were prepared by columbite metho d and sintered with lead-rich atmosphere.
The prognostic result proves that at the western side of Dayaoshan the prospect of Devonian stratabound Pb-Zn deposits(especially rich Pb- Zn deposits)is very impressive.
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