Analysis of different result of pregnant and lying-in women death in one area of China and Congo;
Measurement of β-glucan form oats by congo red;
Catalytic spectrophotometric determination of trace nickelⅡ in water based on discoloring reaction of congo red by oxidation of potassium persulfate;
Study on the decolorization of Congo red by Schizophyllum sp. F17 and its degradation enzymes;
The effects of the combination of organotin and metal soap heat stabilizers on the dehydrochlorination of soft PVC were studied by Congo red method.
It studied the influencing effects of lead salt thermal stabilizers on the dehydrochlorination-thermal degradation of low-halogens flame-retardant poly(vinyl chloride)/powder nitrile-butadiene rubber(PVC)/PNBR thermoplastic elastomer by means of Congo red method.
The influence of the kind and adding amount of such additives as antioxidants,organic peroxides,fillers,metal oxides,toughening modifiers,processing aids and lubricants on dehydrochlorination of soft polyvinyl chloride is studied by Congo red method.
Determination of Micro Magnesium in the Ground Water by Process with Congo-Red and Salicylic Acid;
Study on Transition Mechanism of Congo-red in Cellulase-producing Fungi Medium;
It is pointed out that congo-red test, dynamic heat stability test, oven test and UV lamp test are not so efficacious because the adverse factor is single, and there is some difference between the test result and the actual property.
Each formulation was evalvated by the Congo Red test in which both the temperature and the time for the dehydrochlorination of flexible PVC were measured as the sample was heated at 180℃ in a test tube.
Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of partial 18S rDNA gene for Trypanosoma evanis, Trypanosoma equiperdum,Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma congolense isolates;
伊氏锥虫、马媾疫锥虫、布氏锥虫、刚果锥虫的18S rDNA部分序列测定与系统发育关系
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