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albumin milk是什么意思



1)albumin milk,高蛋白乳2)high protein,高蛋白3)high-protein,高蛋白4)high protein,高蛋白质5)high protein content,高蛋白6)high methionine,高蛋氨酸


    Optimization of processing parameters on high protein nutrient solution;


    Research and development of high protein frozen chicken noodle;


    Research of high protein,Low-sugar, Low-fat and expanding foods;


    Study on a high-protein and nutritive powder by extrusion technology;


    A kind of high-protein nutritious rice-flour for breakfast was successfully developed by using bi-screw extrution technology.


    Xiang 8 A, derived from the cross of V20A /// Xiangxiang 2B/IR58025B∥V20B, is a newly developed aromatic CMS Line with high protein content (15.

    湘 8A是采用人工制保方法 ,将多个亲本的优良性状有效地结合在一起育成的具有高蛋白、低直链淀粉含量的香稻不育系。

    This paper evaluates realuate the elite barley germplasm with high protein content.

    应用灰色关联分析法对高蛋白大麦种质进行综合评价 ,结果表明 ,该方法简单易行、结果全面、客观。

    In the experiments for screening fodder rice varieties (combinations) in 1996 and 1997, four hybrid combinations with high yield and high protein content were selected as fodder rice for commercial production in the coming years.

    1996~1997 年进行了饲料稻品种(组合)的筛选试验,初选出 4 个高产高蛋白杂交饲料稻组合供近期生产上主推应用。

    Through in vitro selection of lysine plus threonine resistant mutant,a high methionine mutant and high lysine variant with changed seed protein composition were obtained.


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