The concentricity and smoothness of the parts are guaranteed.
It analyzes the arched culvert construction scheme and technology before the construction,represents the die processing and setting and concrete construction,and introduces form board joint junction treatment technology and method on the special position,which will insure the smoothness of concrete external appearance.
The smoothness of the alloy for electrochemical and mechanical polishing was assessed;and the potentiodynamic polarization technique was carried out in Hanks solution to verify the corrosion resistance.
与机械抛光作对比, 研究了两种抛光技术对合金表面光洁度的影响,并利用电化学方法研究了抛光技术对合金在 Hanks’溶液中腐蚀性能的影响。
Rainfall affects surface smooth finish of red Fuji apple;
The characteristic of the flow obstruction of water in carbon steel tube, stainless steel tube and red copper tube is determined by the experiment in the paper, superficial roughness and smooth finish of three kinds of tubes are analysed with the instruments;and the obsuruction coefficient difference is analysed and discussed.
The smooth finish of siC whiskers was affected by the whisker′s growing supersaturation in some special areas and the pr.
The influence of ingredient, temperature and time of the polishing solution workpieces surface finish is discussed.
研究了奥氏体不锈钢细长弯管的化学抛光液的组成及抛光工艺参数 ,讨论了抛光液的组成成分和抛光温度、时间对表面光洁度的影响 。
It is emphasised to discuss about toughening methods ,cracks and their eliminating methods, surfacefinish, fire retardance in the process of development of BMC pasts.
重点讨论了研制中主要问题 ,开裂、光洁度等的分析解决。
The yarn produced in this way is called bright yarn, which has many advantages, such as little hairiness, high strength, good quality and it is easy for downstream processing.
紧密纺纱是一种新型的纺纱方法 ,纺制出的纱线又称为“光洁纱”,“光洁纱”具有低毛羽、高强力、高质量、后工序加工方便等特点。
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