The Research of Paguma larvata - Carrot Meatball;
Measurement of Blood Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Paguma larvata;
Isolation and Identification of Parvovirus in Paguma larvata;
Masked civet is a kind of animals that hide by day and come out at night.
果子狸是一种昼伏夜出性动物 ,其夜间进食很有规律性 ,作者通过连续 3d的试验观察发现 ,果子狸主要在前半夜进食 ,其中 1 8:30~ 2 0 :30是进食高峰 ,约占全天进食总量的 35%。
Conditions needed for masked civet domestication in reasonable scale,management in different seasons and at different biophysical stages and breeding of the animal were introduced in details.
详细介绍了果子狸的规模化驯养条件 ,在不同季节、不同生理阶段的饲养管理以及繁殖习性。
During September and October, 1999, a virus disease infected masked civet in a masked civet breeding farm in Hunan province.
1999年 9~ 1 0月 ,湖南某果子狸驯养场发生一起以下痢、便血为主要症状的急性病毒性传染病 ,60d内造成 1 87只果子狸发病 ,1 56只果子狸死亡 ,尤其是当年生仔狸的发病率和死亡率很高 ,分别为 66 0 %和 96 2 %。
Experimental infection of SARS-CoV in civets:a pathological study;
Isolation and Identification of Parvovirus from Civets and Sequence Analysis of VP2 Gene;
Purpose To study the pathological changes of experimental infected civets by SARS-CoV.
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