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continuous screw press是什么意思



1)continuous screw press,连续压榨机2)Screw Presser,连续压榨机3)continuous,连续4)continuity,连续5)consecutive,连续6)continuation,连续7)continue,连续8)sequence,连续9)succession,连续10)consecution,连续


    Temperature field study on continuous ohmic heating of liquid food;


    Catalyzed chlorination of acetic acid to continuous synthesize monochloroacetic acid;


    Continuity of Currents and Condations for the Therom of Ampere s Circuital Law;


    Localization in the conception of continuity and derivative;


    On the Mutual-Transformation of the Continuity and the Discreteness in Mathematical Analysis;


    LX type consecutive mixing and agglomerating manufacturer is composed of vertical cylinder, which is equipped with rotating central shaft with high speed, around central shaft, there are several groups of mixing blades, their incidence shall be changed in accordance with the requirement of the mixing and agglomerating.


    A graph G for which ∑(G)=nδ+(n2) is called consecutive.


    The first kind function equation which satisfies the situations such as continuation,limitation,integrability and monotone has the solution f(x)=ax.

    满足连续、有界、可积、单调等条件的一类函数方程具有解f(x) =ax。

    Given that the theorem of Roll reckoning condition be changed into the existence & continuation of left or right, then the above 3 theorems remain true.

    Roll定理、Lagrange中值定理和Cauchy中值定理成立于函数在 [a、b]上连续、在 (a、b)上可导 ,其中Roll定理还要求函数在区间端点处的函数值相等 。

    In the paper,we solve the problem of finding the sums of equal powers of integer by use of the methods of limit,continuation,derivative and so on,and obtain two results.

    文章利用微积分中的极限、连续、导数等知识解决了求整数的方幂和的问题 ,得到了两个结

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