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shell and tube evaporator是什么意思



1)shell and tube evaporator,列管式蒸发器2)Pipe,列管3)row tubes,列管4)tube,列管5)tubes,列管6)vertical tube,列管


    1% higher than that of shell and tube evaporator,and constuction cost is 47% lower than that of shell and tube evaporator.

    介绍在煤粉还原芒硝法基础上制备硫化钠,采用国家专利新型板式蒸发器进行浓缩,改进了生产工艺,使产品在质量、成本、能耗等各个方面的经济技术指标达到或超过国家标准和国际标准,综合效益比列管式蒸发器高出23 1%,建设投资低于列管式蒸发器 47%。

    Reason on the heating pipe leak of recovery distillation kettle of NYLON - 6 monomer is analyzed.


    The reasons for the leakage of high-pressured ammonia pre-heater row tubes and seals were explained, and how to handle and prevent the occurrence of similar accidents was proposed.


    The technical problems encountered by using the GH-Floating tube graphite heat exchange as evaporator have been demastrated.

    采用GGH型新型列管式石墨蒸发器并选择适当的主要附件 ,应用于盐酸 -氯化亚铁蒸发浓缩过程 ,取得了良好的效

    This paper analyses effects and influence of an expansion joint on the deformation of the tubesheet, the bending moment of the tubesheet ,and the longitudinal stress of the tubes by means of numerical computation.


    This article presents the corrosion rule and characteristics of the HP heat exchanger tubes in urea plant and points the key for corrosion inspection of the tubes.


    Summarizes the failure procedure of the waste heat boiler (WHB) of the secondary reformer in ammonia plant,analyzes the reasons for the perforation of the tubes,the leakage of the tube sheets as well as the leakage of WHB in hydraulic test,and presents solutions against the failure.

    综述合成氨二段转化废热锅炉失效历程分析 ,废热锅炉列管穿孔、管板泄漏及水压试验泄漏的原因 ,提出解决对策。

    This paper analyses the mechanism and reasons for the fatigue damage of HP carbamate condenser tubes,explains the importance and necessity of controling tube vibration during the equipment operatio

    分析甲铵冷凝器列管疲劳损伤产生的机理和原因 ,说明控制设备运行过程中列管振动的必要性和重要

    5m 3 in volume with ellipsoidal bottom, by using a calorimetric method, the local heat transfer film coefficients on the outer surface of the vertical tubes used as baffles were measured with three types of impellers including CBY propeller, PBT and Rushton turbine.

    5m3 的搅拌槽中 ,使用CBY螺旋桨、 4 5°斜叶桨和六直叶涡轮桨 ,对牛顿流体采用量热法 ,研究了列管外壁的局部传热膜系数的分布情况。

    Liquid crystal technique was used to measure the glycerin temperature distributions in an agitated tank heated by vertical tubes.


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