CBN wheel grinding on the rollers skew tooth top-surface of drawing frames draft;
Influence of high precision roller on yarn forming quality;
Automatic inspection system for super high-quality roller blank;
Detailed analysis is done to the mech-wave caused by the mech-defection in rollers,gears and cots.
Analysis is done to the cracking problem of rollers in first section on the spinning frame 1291 after modification of top arms, and some suggestions are put forth regarding the modification;Some harms caused by the back roller cracking are pointed out and also some measures are given.
分析了 12 91型细纱机摇架牵伸经改造后存在的罗拉头断裂原因 ,并提出了改进意见 ;进而分析了后罗拉头断裂造成质量事故的危害性 ,提出了防范措施。
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