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mo(u)lded thread是什么意思



1)mo(u)lded thread,模压模纹2)Mould pressing,模压3)molding,模压4)mould,模压5)moulding,模压6)mold pressing,模压


    Micron wood-fiber mould-product is a new kind of high strength man-made wooden product made by wood-cell longitudinal breaking and mould pressing.


    The influence of changing processing parameters during injection,extrusion and mould pressing on properties of EPDM/PP was studied.


    Compares characters of nano crystalline powder of W-Cu by mould pressing(MP) or cold isostatic pressing (CIP) and concludes from the results that the density of specimen by CIP was 15% more than that by MP in 600 MPa, but air exemption of airtight envelope in CIP had greater effect on density and capability of pressed specimen.

    研究了纳米晶W -Cu微粉在模压及冷等静压工艺下成形特性的对比 。

    Study of Mechanical Behavior of Molding Microcellular PET Film;


    Research on the Process and Properties for Foam Core Sandwich with Thermal Expansion Molding;


    Keratin plastic sheets were prepared from oxidized hair and the effects of molding pressure and temperature, oxidation time on its mechanical properties were studied.


    Discussion on Designing of Moulded Cement Particleboard Production Line;


    A near-net-shape SiC was prepared by reaction-bonded from a pure carbon perform which was fabricated by mould from graphite power as raw and phenolic resin as binder.

    以石墨粉体为原料,酚醛树脂为粘接剂,采用模压成型工艺制备了全碳质素坯,反应烧结后得到S iC材料。

    the moulded PVC/NBR/BR roll with light colour.


    The moulding technique and the mechanical properties of the continuous Kevlar49 fiber reinforced thermoplastics (CFRTP) are studied.

    并且研究了连续芳纶纤维Kevlar49增强热塑性树脂基复合材料的模压成型工艺和片材力学性能 。

    An effective method of analysis was suggested to solve the both direct and inverse problems of mechanics about mould pressure distribution in cylindrical bending shaping and resilience computation after curing and unmoulding by means of plate theory with consideration of transversal shear deformation.


    Characteristics of graphite/aluminate cement mold pressing composite bipolar plate;


    Silicate cem ent/graphite conductive com posites w ere prepared by mold pressing in room tem perature.


    PVDF/graphite conductive compo site bipolar plate were prepared by mold pressing in high temperature.


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