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1)launderometer,耐洗牢度试验仪2)washing-resisting,耐洗3)washing fastness,耐洗性能4)washability,耐洗性5)scrubbing resistance,耐洗刷性6)washability,耐洗刷性


    In this paper, the synthetic mechanism, synthetic technology and key technique of Type FO-2 washing-resisting and anti-static agent have also introduced.

    介绍了FO 2型耐洗性抗静电剂的合成机理、合成工艺及关键技术 ,阐述了反应温度、反应时间、真空度和物料比等因素对反应过程和成品效果的影响 。

    The silver content of the finished fabric,moisture and air permeability,washability of anti-bacterial fabric were tested.


    Practical production of durable flame retardant finishing of pure cotton drill, poplin and canvas is per_formed and the result indicates that FRC-2 has superior flame retardancy and washability without adverse effect on the original style of the finished fabric and its inherent quality.

    结果表明FRC- 2 具有优良的阻燃效果和耐洗性,而且不影响整理织物原有风格和内在质量,成本比国外阻燃剂低,有推广价

    By way of experiments, analysis was made of the effects of reduced PVC on gloss, hiding power and scrubbing resistance of latex paint.


    Testing results showed that the form of silicone intermediateand addition of 10% silicone both could make stability of the emulsion and ageing resistance, scrubbing resistance and stainresistance of the coating film desirabl.


    The influence of catergories and amount of emulsions,dispersan ts,fillers,thickeners and et al on the washability of the coatings is discusse d.


    The influence of amuont of EVA emulsion on film washability,amount of sierozem powder on contrast ratio are discussed.

    介绍了使用灰钙粉和乙烯 -乙酸乙烯酯共聚物 (VAE)乳液配制VAE乳胶漆的技术 ,包括原材料的选用、配方和配制程序等 ;探讨了VAE乳液用量对涂料耐洗刷性的影响 ,灰钙粉用量对涂料对比率的影响以及用加速升温贮存试验和常温贮存试验测试乳胶漆的贮存稳定性的结果 ;综合评价了乳胶漆的性能特征和应用优势 ,并分析了灰钙粉提高涂料性能的原

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