The article introduces the exploitation of the antistatic fabric used in light conveyer and the problems must be noticed in twisting and weaving.
本文简单介绍了抗静电轻型帆布的开发 ,以及在捻线、织布过程应注意的问题。
The findings, ranging from winding through twisting to the textile fabric, will be discussed in detail.
本文将评述在各种后道加工中已经获得的基础广泛的实际经验 ,并详细讨论从络筒到捻线直至织物加工中的结果。
Based on the study on the effects of twisting,warping and weaving technologies on the flatness and mechanical properties of the cloth,it is concluded that the production line consisting of tube-drive large package twister,direct warper and rigid rapier loom can meet the quality specification of high flatness glass cloth for making membrane-laminated filter media.
A novel transmission and control system for twisting machine based on PCI bus;
Experience of Producing Polyester Cord in Twisting Machine;
The Fashionator EHP/EHC--a new bollow spindle fancy twisting machine redeveloped by Saurer-Allma GmbH is described.
为了适应市场挑战 ,Saurer Allma公司开发出新型花式捻线机———Fashionator。
Rieter: new industrial yarn twister;
Research of Multi-motor System in New Type Twister;
Development of twisting frame with single reel and five rollers and double drafting system for fancy yarn;
Flexible Control of Winding and Shaping in the Twisting Frame;
The PLC application in the ring twisting frame;
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