The liquor is produced with red sorghum as raw materials and quality Lang Spring water as production water by specific production techniques of "Four High and One Long".
Haiwote species, compared with wild kiwi fruit species, containes high sugar content, low pectin content and well-preserved vitamin C, more suitable for wine production.
Based on the causes for Japanese multi-strain fermentation,together with the present problems of multi-strain fermentation,it points out that expert scientific workers should realize the importance of multi-strain fermentation and devote to the prosperity of soy sauce industry.
The results showed the best technological parameters of fermentation were as follows: the addition of mash-fermented starter was 1.
Through testing the variety curve of temperature andsaccharifying degree during the fermentation ,the results showed that its early stage fermentation period was 5~6d and thesaccharifying degree was difficult to drop futher ofter reaching 5%.
Study on soy sauce brewage with barley malt sprouts;
Studies on Selecting and Breeding Excellent Bacterial Strains of Fruit Vinegar Brewage and the Making of Fruit Vinegar Beverages;
bisporus soy sauce reached the first class level of national standard for brewage soy sauces.
Research on brewing technology of persimmon wine processing by immobilized yeast and quality analysis of the product;
Application of inorganic membrane in brew industry;
Superficial view to the new technology's application of sauce brewing;
Discussion on the proportion of three acid components in sour brewing products;
The brewing technology of Lizao vinegar;
During liquor-making,temperature has great effects on the quality and the yield of microbial fermentation.
There are comprehensive provisions on liquor-making workers covering their skills and their work types etc.
A method has been developed for the determination of levulinic acid in soy sauce by liquid chromatography, and the formula calculating the content of fermented soy sauce in the blended soy sauce was given.
In this paper a technology of fermented soy sauce which produced by low-salt solid state fermentation using Aspergillus oryzae Shanghai Brewing 3.
0 4 2为菌种 ,采用低盐固态发酵的方法酿造酱油的工艺进行了研究 ,并应用正交实验法确定了最佳投料比、制曲时间和发酵条件。
Research on biologic preservatives for the preservation of fermented soy sauce;
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