This paper introduces some basic principles of the measurement of fiber shape parameters such as length and length distribution, coarseness, curl index and kink index.
介绍了造纸用纤维和纸浆中纤维形态参数(长度、粗度、卷曲、扭结等) 的意义及自动测量原理、测量方法, 并介绍了纤维形态参数在制浆造纸工业生产与控制中的应用前景。
The kink soliton solution, the velocity and the mobility are obtained.
The damping force and the external electric field caused the kink soliton excitation in a hydrogen bonded chain with asymmetric double well potentials.
阻尼和外电场的作用使得带有非对称双阱势的氢键链存在扭结孤子激发 。
The Kink Waves of A Boussinesq Quartic Equation;
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