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thousand kernel weight是什么意思



1)1000-grain weight,千粒重2)1 000-grain weight,千粒重3)thousand kernel weight,千粒重4)thousand-grain weight,千粒重5)1000 grain weight,千粒重6)1000-seed weight,千粒重


    The grain weight per panicle(GW) and 1000-grain weight(TGW) of rice were investigated on 129 doubled haploid(DH) lines grew in two different seasons.


    The 1000-grain weight,the protein content and the sedimentation of grains at the first and the s.


    Because the setting percentage and 1000-grain weight in the spilekets on primary branches are higher than those on secondary branches, and its grain sink was coordinated to source with.


    Ninety-eight backcross inbred lines derived from Nipponbare(japonica)/Kasalath(indica)//Nipponbare were used to map QTL for grain shape related traits and 1 000-grain weight under the three environments.

    以Nipponbare(japonica)/Kasalath(indica)//Nipponbare BC1F10的98个家系为材料,在3种环境下对水稻粒形相关性状及千粒重进行数量性状基因位点(quantitative trait loci,QTL)的定位分析。

    Taking 10 maize varieties with different maturation periods as materials,the effect of the harvest period on 1 000-grain weight and yield was studied.


    Based on the results,three regression equations(the regression equation of 1 000-grain weight and disease index;the regression equation of yield loss rate and ultimate disease index;the regression equation of yield loss rate and ultimate stem disease rate) were formed.


    The thousand kernel weight and the total grain weight rised mar.


    dicoccoides introduced from Israel were crossed and backcrossed with common wheat cultivars(Yangmai 5,Yangmai 158)and 128 stable lines were selected from F 5,BC 1F 4 and BC 2F 3 generations,among them,17 lines with thousand kernel weight above 5 grams higher and seed protein percentage 4% more than those of their common wheat parents.

    从F5、BC1F4 、BC2 F3 代中选出的 12 8个外部形态性状已基本稳定的株系中 ,选出千粒重高于对应普通小麦亲本 (扬麦 5号和扬麦 15 8) 5g以上的株系 17个 ,籽粒蛋白质含量比普通小麦亲本高 4%以上的株系 12个 ,其中有 5个株系的千粒重和籽粒蛋白质含量均显著高于普通小麦。

    Based on test and analysis on germination percent, viability, excellence, thousand kernel weight and purity of seed sampling of Pinus sylvestris var.

    依据内蒙古《主要造林树种种子分级》标准 ,利用数理统计的方法对收集自红花尔基、牡丹江、佳木斯、章古台、蒙古国等地的樟子松种子样品的净度、发芽率、生活力、优良度、千粒重进行检验分析得出 :划分种子等级的品质指标应以发芽率、生活力为主要指标 ;千粒重只能作划分种子等级的参数指标 ,优良度作划分种子等级的依据值得进一步探讨 ;净度是种子收购与贮藏的主要指标。

    This paper,through determination of the thousand-grain weight of Pinus pinaster introduced from France,thinks that the seed quality is good and the coefficient of variation is small.


    The results showed that when the disease occurred in the early blooming,the loss rate of thousand-grain weight was 51.


    The influence of different seed s thousand-grain weight of soybean and maize on the germination percentage,the percentage of seedling emergence,the speed of seedling emergence and the percentage of seedling was studied.

    以大豆、玉米种子为试验材料 ,研究了其不同千粒重对发芽率、出苗率、出苗速度和成苗率的影响。

    The research showed that 1000 grain weight of transgenic plants was obviously improved,but the starch content of the rice was little changed.

    大量的农艺性状及淀粉含量研究表明 ,转基因水稻种子的千粒重比对照明显提高 ,但总淀粉含量没有显著变

    78 g of 1000 grain weight and grain yield by 665.

    结果表明 :在造好底墒水的前提下 ,冬小麦春季灌 4次水 (简称 4水 )与春季灌 2次水 (简称 2水 )相比 ,千粒重增加 1 78g ,产量增加 665 1kg/hm2 ,但全生育期多耗水 73 65mm ,并且水分利用效率下降 7 63% ;经分析 ,差异显著。

    then QTL mapping were conducted for oil content and 1000-seed weight of phase harvested rapeseed.


    The results showed that chlorophyll content of spring wheat flag leaves,1000-seed weight and grain weight decreased under high temperature stress in the filling stage.


    Expression Stability of QTLs for Grain Shape Related Traits and 1000-Grain Weight in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);


    QTL Mapping and Interaction Analysis for 1000-Grain Weight and Percentage of Grains with Chalkiness in Rice


    Cereals and oilseeds method for determination of the mass of 1000 grains


    Mining the QTLs for Increasing Thousand Grain Weigh from Synthetic Wheat;


    Genetic Analysis of Grain Weight and Toward Map-based Cloning of a Major Gene in Rice;


    Study on the Relation between Seed Germination,Seedlings Development and Seed’s Thousand-grain Weight of Soybean and Maize;


    Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Tibetan Brassica Grain Weight


    Effects of Continuous Drought on Photosynthesis and 1000-grain Weight of Wheat Cultivated in Filed


    A Study on the Relationship between 1000-Grain Weight and Yield in Hybrid Rice


    Impact of Soil Moisture on Winter Wheat 1000-grain Weight in Loess Plateau of Xifeng


    Compared to no treatment, the dressing gained advantages of 1 000grain weight, per ear weight, and 37.36% -48.06% wheat yield.

    小麦的千粒重、单穗重、小区产量均较高,小麦增产 37.36%-48.06%。

    The Development of Brassica Napus EST-SSRs and QTL Mapping of 1000-seed Weight and Quality-related Traits;


    The Response of Seed Setting Rate and 1000-grain Weight of ShanYou 63 by High-temperature in AnHui Province


    There were some small or no influence directly of seed size in plant height and spike length and grain unmbers per spike and1000- grain weight.


    While raising N application concentration fromtransplanting to heading or employing excessive spike fertilizer would result in obvious decrement of hull area and grain weight.


    Sorry, you're five kilos overweight.


    a pneumatic jack

    气力起重机, 气力千斤顶

    The gross weight for each case be around 45 kilo .


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