Discuss on Existence Question and Countermeasure to Coal Safety cost Research;
Study on safety cost and safety insurance degree of coal enterprises;
Analysis of safety cost of coal production and its changing trend;
This paper discusses the competitive ability of projects from four different aspects, which are ag-gregate balante and target market , full cost of product, competitive strategy, economic evaluation andcompetitive ability analysis.
On the basis of traditional cost-benefit measure,we constructed full cost theory of aquaculture for the first time by systems analysis and environmental economics theory,according to the industry character of aquaculture.
在传统成本效益分析方法的基础上 ,利用系统分析方法和环境经济学理论 ,根据水产养殖的产业特点 ,构建了水产养殖完全成本理论模型 。
According to related accounting regulations of China, companies calculate cost on basis of manufacturing cost, but actually, some companies also calculate full cost and variable cost in order to improve cost management.
Based on the references and our studies in biotransformationof CMM, the idea of biotransformation of CMM s total constituents was put forward.
综合国内外文献 ,结合笔者开展中药生物转化研究的体会 ,介绍了国内外中药生物转化的研究现状以及在中药现代化研究中的意义 ,提出了开展中药全成分转化的思路并分析了进行中药全成分转化研究的可行性及一般方法 ,并就开展中药全成分转化研究存在的问题和今后需要加强的工作等进行了讨论。
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